Minnesota Republicans ORDERS the IRS to Investigate Ilhan Omar
According to The Minnesota Sun, The Republican lawmaker was joined by several of his colleagues at a Tuesday press conference, including State Reps. Eric Lucero, Shane Mekeland, Linda Runbeck, Tim Miller, Cal Bahr, Jeremy Munson and more.
“I am very pleased that several of my colleagues here in the Minnesota House are joining me in this effort,” he said. “More and more people are beginning to realize that Rep. Omar’s deceptive conduct is unacceptable. The people deserve answers.”
A press release from Drazkowski’s office, also ask both agencies to examine “improper payments” Omar accepted for speaking at various Minnesota colleges. During the time of her speeches, she was a member of the Minnesota Legislature and served on the Higher Education Committee, meaning she oversaw the budgets for the institutions she accepted payments from.
“We need to know how she reported that illegal income,” Drazkowski said. “Rep. Omar has demonstrated disdain for transparency. As such, I am asking the IRS and the Minnesota Department of Revenue to initiate a comprehensive investigation into Rep. Omar’s tax returns. The congresswoman’s consistent and intentional misuses of finances should certainly be considered in this matter.”
He went on to claim that Omar “has repeatedly refused to explain why her taxes were illegally filed from the beginning.”
“You can’t be legally married to one person, yet file joint income taxes with another person. Such conduct is blatantly wrong,” he continued.
Towards the end of the press conference, Drazkowski criticized Minnesota’s media for their failure to investigate the matter. One reporter asked Drazkowski what “concerns” he has “for the congresswoman’s personal safety.”
“Well, I think probably everybody’s got concerns about their safety. I have a lot of people ask me about my personal safety, too,” he replied, adding that it would be best “for the government and the media to do their job in this.”
“You guys have been asleep at the switch on this as I’ve pointed out in the past,” Drazkowski said.
“I hear members of the media say that there is no definitive evidence or ‘smoking gun’ in this case,” he added in a press release. “If fraudulent taxes aren’t a ‘smoking gun’ or felonious behavior, then I don’t know what is anymore.”